North Devon Council - Rural England Prosperity Fund


Please note this Guidance and Application Form is only for those businesses registered within the North Devon Council area (this will be the local authority which you pay your business rates to). 

Please ensure that you read the guidance thoroughly before making your application and ensure that you submit all of the documents and supporting evidence required otherwise your application may be invalid and we will be unable to assess it.

When submitting documents please ensure that you do not change the format of the source document and submit this as a Word or Excel document as appropriate (e.g., the Application Form (Word), Sustainability Plan (Excel), Subsidy Declaration (Word).

Please ensure that you:

  • Read the Application Guidance in full before contacting us regarding eligibility queries.
  • Use the Application Guidance to assist you with completion of the Application Form ensuring that you complete and submit the required supporting documents.

Please submit these electronically to by the deadlines published.  We cannot accept applications or supporting documents by post.

When submitting your application please ensure you submit this along with your contact details and ensure all documents are sent within the one submission email.

Please download all of the following documents for your application:

  • Application Guidance and Application Form (combined document) download here
  • Sustainability Questionnaire and Action Plan (please complete by selecting questions from drop down menu in Column B on the spreadsheet)  download here
  • Subsidy Control Declaration download here

This application round will remain open until 30.11.2024 or until all funds are committed. There is no guarantee of a grant, and the application process will be competitive.

Please note if we receive a large number of applications then we reserve the right to close the application window earlier and will place a notification of this on the webpage in advance.

This funding cannot cover any projects that have already commenced, and applicants should not start any work, incur costs, or place an order for their project prior to receiving a grant offer or the project will become ineligible for funding.

A clear standalone project which is part of a longer-term plan, which has not secured funding or started, and includes eligible activities under REPF may be eligible to apply for a for a grant. All projects must be fully completed, paid and claimed for in full by 31.01.2025There will be no extensions permitted beyond this date due to the closure date for the programme.

Once your application is approved, you will need to pay for these in full, in advance and then claim the funding back upon proof of purchase.

Grants are paid retrospectively and generally through one payment. If you need assistance and are unable to bankroll your project costs, please contact us via to discuss.

For the 2024-2025 Investment Priorities see the  Application Guidance for more details. .